Who We Are

The Barracks Rangers Rugby Football Club is a Division III rugby union that plays under the Empire Rugby Geographical Union (GU) and aligned under USA Rugby, the governing body for rugby union for the United States.

Soldiers travel. It’s fairly well documented, and well within the job description. They come from different places and different walks of life. When that melting pot of individuals converges at the right place, something great, like a rugby team, is formed.

The Barracks Rangers can be traced back as far as 1988, but largely the team really came to being in 1993, formed by a group of Veterans that grew up playing rugby or spent enough time in Europe to pick up the game and bring it home to the North Country. From there the foundations of the team were formed.

Our home pitch is Madison Barracks in Sackets Harbor, New York, as shown in our historical logo with the iconic tower on the Madison Barracks grounds. For the last thirty years, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen from all walks of life have worn the logo. From generals to the most junior privates, this brotherhood has met on Saturdays in the summer and fall to participate in this elegant but physical game.

Why We Do This

The condition that is being in the military is an unusual one; on one hand, you can be asked to do things that a normal 18-25-year-old should never do, and on the other hand, the melting pot of the military can make a 45 year old man feel and act like they are 18 again.

The struggle of reintegrating back into a normal life upon returning home is real. You are removed from a high-intensity environment in which everything physically and mentally is demanded of you, and put back into the world where you worry about normal home life, like taxes and getting your trash to the curb on time. The intensity that was demanded of you, while dangerous, can also be energizing. When that intensity is gone, and the demand is gone, Soldiers and Veterans have been known to turn to self-destructive means to fill that gap.

The Barracks Rangers provide many things for Soldiers and Veterans. We not only provide that physical and mental demand that they miss from deployment. But we also provide support and brotherhood that many lose upon return from deployment. The bonds that are created when we walk onto the pitch remain off the pitch; our network of ruggers that have worn the Barracks Rangers uniform is ready to help out a fellow Soldier in need, regardless of location or issue.

We form positive outlets for Soldiers and Veterans to deal with day-to-day stressors, and a network of individuals to help with any issue.

And we like rugby. A lot. And we really hope that you will as well.

Our 2023 Team Leadership

  • Bob Newbanks


    instagram: @thecrowing77

  • Eric Guzman

    Vice President/Captain

    instagram: @ericguzman13

  • Elijah Fluker

    Social Media Director

    instagram: @kiddfluke

  • Josh Fargo

    Match Secretary/Social Coordinator

    facebook: @joshua.fargo.71

  • Zach Shawgo

    Team Secretary

    instagram: @shawgo_ is_here